Featured product
Pop-Up Pottery Painting Party
How it Works
When you book you will pay 50% of the $180
What that includes: A party of the minimum 10 people at $18 per person - there are options that are more expensive, you will get invoiced for the rest of what you owe after your party!
Call Alana if you have any immediate questions! 717-659-7375
Email theglazingsun@aol.com
We bring EVERYTHING to you for the pottery party - you must provide tables & chairs
When you book your date through the Book a Time option you will be prompted to tell us allll about the party you want to host!
You must book at least 14 days out
Select a theme for your party!
The options of pottery to have for your party is endless but we made some themes to make it a bit easier for you!
Want to have a Pottery Party?!
Want to get a group of people together to paint pottery?! Let us know a little bit about the party you are planning, check out our themes if you have one in mind, or put in a special request.
Frequently asked questions
We travel far and wide, we love traveling out of state! Inquire to make sure we come to you, some distances may be subject to a travel fee.
We travel far and wide, we love traveling out of state! Inquire to make sure we come to you, some distances may be subject to a travel fee.
Yes! We require at least 10 painters for a party or payment for 10 pieces.
Yes! We require at least 10 painters for a party or payment for 10 pieces.
Absolutely, you can choose any combination of 2-4 items for your painting party.
Absolutely, you can choose any combination of 2-4 items for your painting party.