Pop-Up Pottery Painting Party
How it Works
When you book you will pay 50% of the $180
What that includes: A party of the minimum 10 people at $18 per person - there are options that are more expensive, you will get invoiced for the rest of what you owe after your party!
Call Alana if you have any immediate questions! 717-659-7375
Email theglazingsun@aol.com
We bring EVERYTHING to you for the pottery party - you must provide tables & chairs
When you book your date through the Book a Time option you will be prompted to tell us allll about the party you want to host!
You must book at least 14 days out
How it Works
When you book you will pay 50% of the $180
What that includes: A party of the minimum 10 people at $18 per person - there are options that are more expensive, you will get invoiced for the rest of what you owe after your party!
Call Alana if you have any immediate questions! 717-659-7375
Email theglazingsun@aol.com
We bring EVERYTHING to you for the pottery party - you must provide tables & chairs
When you book your date through the Book a Time option you will be prompted to tell us allll about the party you want to host!
You must book at least 14 days out
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Share some information about your product
Share some information about your product
Share some information about your product
Pop-Up Pottery Painting Party
How it Works
When you book you will pay 50% of the $180
What that includes: A party of the minimum 10 people at $18 per person - there are options that are more expensive, you will get invoiced for the rest of what you owe after your party!
Call Alana if you have any immediate questions! 717-659-7375
Email theglazingsun@aol.com
We bring EVERYTHING to you for the pottery party - you must provide tables & chairs
When you book your date through the Book a Time option you will be prompted to tell us allll about the party you want to host!
You must book at least 14 days out
How it Works
When you book you will pay 50% of the $180
What that includes: A party of the minimum 10 people at $18 per person - there are options that are more expensive, you will get invoiced for the rest of what you owe after your party!
Call Alana if you have any immediate questions! 717-659-7375
Email theglazingsun@aol.com
We bring EVERYTHING to you for the pottery party - you must provide tables & chairs
When you book your date through the Book a Time option you will be prompted to tell us allll about the party you want to host!
You must book at least 14 days out
Share some information about your product
Share some information about your product
Share some information about your product
Share some information about your product